Smoking and potency in men: effects, contraindications and reviews

Smoking now will young at a very young age, sometimes the first experience happens more in high school. First of all, this is done for the sake of bravado, brat brags thus before their peers, demonstrate their "maturity". Then the pampering of the struggles and changing bad habits for years. And when the middle in the begin erection problems, a few of the men related to the definitions of smoking and the potency of a single node, rather than assuming that all those years put irreparable harm to your men's health.

how smoking affects the potency

Affects whether smoking is potency

Violation of erectile function may be expected even in young smokers. The danger is nicotine, because even small amounts of it causes blood vessel constriction and poor blood circulation. Even 2-3 cigarettes, which were smoked before intercourse, may induce a sluggish erection.

Impotence is directly related to the consequences of nicotine influence. And menthol, made some tobacco products, will increase the burden on the cardiovascular system, from the ground making it difficult for blood circulation, including the sexual side.

The composition of tobacco smoke contains samples of about 5 thousand components, 60 of them will have a negative impact on the potency. The most dangerous:

  • carbon monoxide;
  • benzene;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • resin;
  • ammonia;
  • sinihape.

The activity of most of the components are not yet studied, therefore, the claim that the rest of the parts are safe, would be wrong. The manufacturers of tobacco products to hold back the extent of the damage, the apply of cigarettes.

How affects

Nicotine, who are men in the body, which causes a number of negative consequences:

  1. complicates the blood flow to the penis;
  2. lowers blood pressure sexual member;
  3. promotes atherosclerosis;
  4. reduce the heat to testosterone.

Passive smoking is having not less hurt to the body when active.

Smoking effects on herbs (hashish, marijuana)

Fans of smoke "grass" argue that it increases sexual drive and sexual strength in men. The truth of it is, of course, exist. Explain that it is easy. The fact of the matter is that the sexual organ has a lot of receptors, which is able to instantly respond to the components of marijuana. Passes through the body of the chemical reaction at this point will increase the possibility to achieve orgasms.

But true is also the fact, that the greater the period of time intermittent reduced sex drive. There are cases when the orgasms accompanied by unbearable pain the reproductive.

The truth about the impact of herbs:

  • Good separation of cannabinoids, includes lawn, irreversibly destroy the mental health, and braking and boring mechanism of the excitation.
  • Testosterone levels decline and reproductive function is diminishing.
  • Sperm count decreases, they become sedentary.
  • The function of the testes quenched, they become less in dimensions, changes in their density.
  • The blood vessels narrowing, is disturbed circulation of blood, frequent stagnant phenomenon.

Smoking and potency myths

There is spread opinion, that the impotence of the beach people who have bad habits, such as addicted to alcohol and cigarette smoking. But this is a misconception. Even those who follow a healthy lifestyle and have never held a cigarette in his hand, do not drink alcoholic beverages, may run fiasco during sexual intercourse.

The reason is the fact that impotence has many reasons and factors that cause it to happen. For example, the psychological phobias, fears, unfavorable environment, furnishings or urinary tract diseases.

Thus, the obligations of poor habits at all does not guarantee the return masculine force, it is important to know the etiology of the problem, that it successfully solved.

Sperm quality

Additional points of interest include the complications, which are caused by products of smoking for men in the body, hardly not the most serious is considered the decline of the qualitative indicator of sperm. If more accurately, then smoking:

  1. reduces sperm density, changing its composition;
  2. conducive to poor quality of semen;
  3. reduces the activity and destroys the sperm.

The changes that take place in the body in men, negatively influence its reproductive function, reducing to zero the probability of insemination of a partner. If conceiving happens, there is a high probability that the fetus is diagnosed with abnormalities in development, there may also be interference in the work of the various systems of the makers.

Exposed to hydrogen cyanide acids and tar, semen smoker has broken down and is no longer active, although men with different health, the recovery process takes about three months. Another important point is that the detrimental involvement in the snuff causes decrease androgen range, which is directly related to erectile function.

Scientific studies prove the existence of the relationship between potency in men and a lot of cigarettes, smoked them. According to the test results, the american citizens, if the daily norm is 20 cigarettes, the probability of developing impotence has increased by more than half.

Other tests show that components of cigarette smoke can reduce the quality indicators of sperm and its opportunity to fertilize the egg of 75%. Just these considerations doctors recommend to quit cigarettes for all those who are planning to have children and fulfilling family.

Studies have poles and volunteers confirmed that Smoking 1 pack a day, man it will reduce twice the duration and frequency of sexual contacts. This statement is correct, that the stronger sex aged 30 to 45 years.


Smoking is strictly prohibited to all those who have been diagnosed with the disease makers in respiratory system:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis chronic form;
  • pulmonary fibrosis.

And also some other diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • elevated blood pressure.

If quitting smoking did not affect men's health

United States researchers have studied the disorder of the erectile function as a consequence of smoking. It turns out that I have a decent number of test diagnosed 2. the type of diabetes. But the most striking was this, that they United almost the same number of cigarettes, smoked and day. It is the two smaller packs.

Study the impact of smoking cessation if you have problems of a sexual nature was a thought experiment, in which men are required to refrain from smoking already one and a half months. On the expiry of one third of the people are fixed to improve erectile function in relation to refusal of abuse. Drug treatment for getting rid of nicotine addiction is the key.

treatment effectiveness

Here you can make a clear conclusion that the quality of sex life representative of the stronger sex will be improved significantly, when to give up. This opportunity remains to be the only possible cure for impotence, which is caused by the exposure to nicotine products. In any other case medical powerless to change anything.